CPM: Clinical Practice Manual

Our Clinical Practice Manual is for QAS ambulance clinicians. It follows current clinical standards and research.

In Health professionals

The QAS Clinical Practice Manual (CPM) includes Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs), Clinical Practice Procedures (CPPs) and Drug Therapy Protocols (DTPs).

The Clinical Practice Manual (CPM) is expressly intended for use by authorised QAS clinicians when performing duties and delivering ambulance services for, and on behalf of the QAS.

The QAS disclaims, to the maximum extent permitted by law, all responsibility and all liability including without limitation, liability in negligence for all expenses, losses, damages and costs incurred for any reason associated with the use of this manual, including the materials within or referred to throughout this document being in any way inaccurate, out of context, incomplete or unavailable.

We've also developed a Clinical Scope of Practice [PDF 374.49 KB] to use with the practice manual.

Search the Clinical Practice Manual
Guidelines Behavioural disturbance Acute behavioural disturbance [PDF 1066.72 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Behavioural disturbance Conducted energy weapon related injuries [PDF 1217.25 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Behavioural disturbance The suicidal patient [PDF 464.09 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Cardiac Acute aortic dissection [PDF 708.4 KB] Jan-18
Guidelines Cardiac Acute coronary syndrome [PDF 574.17 KB] Sep-22
Guidelines Cardiac Cardiac arrest [PDF 899.53 KB] Apr-16
Guidelines Cardiac Cardiac arrhythmias [PDF 827.4 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Cardiac Cardiogenic shock [PDF 439.87 KB] Apr-20
Guidelines Environmental CBRIE [PDF 1021.14 KB] Jul-22
Guidelines Environmental Diving emergencies [PDF 1018.16 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Environmental Hyperthermia [PDF 446.4 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Environmental Hypothermia [PDF 1040.68 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Medical Abdominal emergencies [PDF 659.74 KB] Oct-17
Guidelines Medical Acute dystonic reaction [PDF 669.33 KB] Jan-20
Guidelines Medical Adrenal insufficiency [PDF 1096.83 KB] Jul-22
Guidelines Medical Anaphylaxis [PDF 455.82 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Medical Brief resolved unexplained event [PDF 1007.4 KB] Jul-22
Guidelines Medical Cellulitis [PDF 1005.42 KB] Jul-22
Guidelines Medical Diabetic emergency—Hyperglycaemia [PDF 461.88 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Medical Diabetic emergency—Hypoglycaemia [PDF 447.3 KB] Aug-22
Guidelines Medical Hyperkalaemia [PDF 701.23 KB] Jan-20
Guidelines Medical Meningococcal meningitis and septicaemia [PDF 475.31 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Medical Nausea and vomiting [PDF 445.93 KB] Dec-22
Guidelines Medical Sepsis [PDF 464.16 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Medical Spinal emergencies [PDF 665.45 KB] Apr-17
Guidelines Medical Suspected or confirmed Ebola Virus Disease [PDF 445.72 KB] Apr-21
Guidelines Medical Upper gastrointestinal bleeding [PDF 460.29 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Neurological Altered level of consciousness [PDF 438.74 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Neurological Autonomic dysreflexia [PDF 1580.53 KB] Jul-22
Guidelines Neurological Headache [PDF 425.68 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Neurological Seizure [PDF 667.17 KB] Jan-20
Guidelines Neurological Stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attack [PDF 473.32 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Obstetric Breech birth [PDF 3561.47 KB] Jul-22
Guidelines Obstetric Cord prolapse [PDF 495.44 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Obstetric Ectopic pregnancy [PDF 1582.28 KB] Jul-22
Guidelines Obstetric Miscarriage [PDF 450.2 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Obstetric Physiological cephalic birth [PDF 3059.69 KB] Jul-22
Guidelines Obstetric Placenta praevia [PDF 1501.27 KB] Oct-15
Guidelines Obstetric Placental abruption [PDF 597.01 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Obstetric Pre-eclampsia [PDF 654.29 KB] Apr-16
Guidelines Obstetric Primary postpartum haemorrhage [PDF 445.67 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Obstetric Queensland publicly funded home births [PDF 402.23 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Obstetric Secondary postpartum haemorrhage [PDF 448.44 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Obstetric Shoulder dystocia [PDF 2472.91 KB] Jul-22
Guidelines Obstetric Umbilical cord rupture [PDF 657.6 KB] May-18
Guidelines Obstetric Uterine inversion [PDF 1047.8 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Obstetric Uterine rupture [PDF 1228.46 KB] Apr-18
Guidelines Respiratory Acute pulmonary oedema [PDF 1236.99 KB] Apr-17
Guidelines Respiratory Asthma [PDF 671.52 KB] Jan-20
Guidelines Respiratory Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [PDF 448.73 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Respiratory Croup [PDF 1050.97 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Respiratory Dyspnoea [PDF 658.67 KB] Apr-16
Guidelines Respiratory Epiglottitis [PDF 657.64 KB] Apr-16
Guidelines Respiratory Foreign body airway obstruction [PDF 706.16 KB] Jan-20
Guidelines Respiratory Hyperventilation [PDF 658.64 KB] Feb-15
Guidelines Respiratory Pulmonary embolus [PDF 660.31 KB] Apr-16
Guidelines Respiratory Tracheostomy emergencies [PDF 1546.63 KB] Apr-16
Guidelines Resuscitation Resuscitation—General guidelines [PDF 1230.37 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Resuscitation Resuscitation—Adult (Non-traumatic) [PDF 682.54 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Resuscitation Resuscitation—Newborn [PDF 1629.95 KB] Jul-22
Guidelines Resuscitation Resuscitation—Paediatric (Non-traumatic) [PDF 465 KB] Aug-22
Guidelines Resuscitation Resuscitation—Post ROSC management [PDF 1129.91 KB] Jul-21
Guidelines Resuscitation Resuscitation—Special circumstances [PDF 392.4 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Resuscitation Resuscitation—Traumatic [PDF 1012.18 KB] Jul-22
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Approach to the poisoned patient [PDF 445.17 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Alcohol—ethanol [PDF 603.12 KB] Apr-23
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Anticholinergic [PDF 1234.66 KB] Jan-20
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Benzodiazepine [PDF 1239.18 KB] Jan-20
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Beta blocker [PDF 666.76 KB] Jan-20
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Calcium channel blocker [PDF 1578.17 KB] Jul-22
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Carbon monoxide [PDF 1018.33 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Corrosive agents [PDF 661.62 KB] Jan-20
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Cyanide [PDF 665.92 KB] Jan-20
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Envenomation—Marine [PDF 1115.6 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Envenomation—Snake [PDF 448.2 KB] Dec-22
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Envenomation—Spider [PDF 662.79 KB] Jan-20
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Envenomation—Tick [PDF 555.07 KB] Jul-22
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Gamma-hydroxybutyrate [PDF 435.98 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Inhalant misuse [PDF 440.47 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Opioids [PDF 1013.28 KB] Aug-21
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Organophosphate / cholinergic [PDF 440.15 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Psychostimulant emergencies [PDF 455.35 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Serotonin [PDF 663.65 KB] Jan-20
Guidelines Toxicology and toxinology Tricyclic antidepressants [PDF 660.1 KB] Jan-20
Guidelines Trauma Abdominal trauma [PDF 651.26 KB] Oct-15
Guidelines Trauma Burns [PDF 1730.13 KB] Jul-22
Guidelines Trauma Chest injuries [PDF 656.23 KB] Jan-19
Guidelines Trauma Crush injuries [PDF 1232.94 KB] Feb-15
Guidelines Trauma Dental injuries [PDF 729.32 KB] Jan-19
Guidelines Trauma Electric shock [PDF 652.15 KB] Feb-15
Guidelines Trauma Eye injury [PDF 1017.41 KB] Jul-22
Guidelines Trauma Extremity injury [PDF 488.75 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Trauma Fluid injection injury [PDF 438.19 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Trauma Pelvic injury [PDF 435.78 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Trauma Post submersion [PDF 653.22 KB] Jan-19
Guidelines Trauma Pre-hospital trauma bypass [PDF 441.59 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Trauma Spinal cord injury [PDF 655.28 KB] Jan-19
Guidelines Trauma Trauma in pregnancy [PDF 656.97 KB] Feb-15
Guidelines Trauma Traumatic brain injury [PDF 436.27 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Trauma Traumatic haemorrhagic shock [PDF 465.67 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Other Active Armed Offender [PDF 1043.58 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Other Button battery ingestion/insertion [PDF 1090.96 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Other Clinician safety [PDF 463.84 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Other Haemorrhage control [PDF 442.49 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Other Multi casualty incidents [PDF 542.8 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Other Pain management [PDF 1112.67 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Other Palliative care [PDF 480.84 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Other Post tonsillectomy haemorrhage [PDF 471.98 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Other QAS Non-transport [PDF 2676.13 KB] Feb-21
GuidelinesOtherResponding to a patient in police custody [PDF 573.57 KB]Sep-24
Guidelines Other Standard cares [PDF 648.66 KB] Sep-24
Guidelines Other Suspected abuse [PDF 1674.77 KB] Jul-22
Guidelines Other Syncope [PDF 1009.34 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Other The bariatric patient [PDF 477.32 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Other The older patient [PDF 567.43 KB] Feb-21
Guidelines Other Understanding and Responding to Domestic and Family Violence [PDF 1335.63 KB] Jul-22
Guidelines Other Voluntary Assisted Dying [PDF 611.17 KB] Dec-22
Guidelines Other Verification of death and management of a deceased person [PDF 609.87 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Access Intraosseous—Long Bones (Arrow® EZ-IO®) [PDF 1083.72 KB] Apr-21
Procedure Access Intraosseous—Sternal (Fast 1TM) [PDF 1081.63 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Access Intravenous—Central venous catheterisation (Subclavian vein) [PDF 1439.21 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Access Intravenous—Peripheral intravenous catheter insertion [PDF 710.12 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Access Intravenous—Peripheral intravenous catheter insertion (external jugular) [PDF 1361.37 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Airway management Direct laryngoscopy [PDF 838.96 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Airway management Laryngeal manipulation [PDF 726.88 KB] Jan-20
Procedure Airway management Magill forceps [PDF 853.95 KB] Jan-20
Procedure Airway management Nasopharyngeal airway insertion [PDF 770.96 KB] Apr-18
Procedure Airway management Oral endotracheal tube insertion [PDF 1189.31 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Airway management Oral endotracheal tube securing [PDF 563.94 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Airway management Oropharyngeal airway device [PDF 1123.19 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Airway management Rapid sequence induction [PDF 519.71 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Airway management Small bore transtracheal ventilation [PDF 1165.68 KB] Jan-20
Procedure Airway management Suctioning [PDF 797 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Airway management Surgical cricothyrotomy [PDF 1212.26 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Airway management Triple airway manoeuvre [PDF 647.62 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Assessment Adult Deterioration Assessment (QAS) [PDF 706.92 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Assessment APGAR score [PDF 1008.45 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Assessment Blood analysis—CoaguChek® XS [PDF 1475.4 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Assessment Blood analysis—glucometry freestyle [PDF 785.47 KB]Oct-24
Procedure Assessment Blood analysis—ketones [PDF 643.56 KB] Oct-24
Procedure Assessment Capnography—Waveform [PDF 1598.2 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Assessment Clinical frailty scale [PDF 1102.43 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Assessment Electrolytes and blood gas—i-STAT® [PDF 1472.1 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Assessment Endotracheal tube cuff manometer [PDF 1133.41 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Assessment Falls risk assessment tool [PDF 526.52 KB] Jul-21
ProcedureAssessmentFocussed assessment with sonography for trauma - Vscan Extend
[PDF 1656.35 KB]
Procedure Assessment Glasgow Coma Scale [PDF 499.64 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Assessment Invasive Blood Pressure [PDF 1047.15 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Assessment Mental status [PDF 525.68 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Assessment Myotatic stretch reflexes [PDF 1420.76 KB] Oct-17
Procedure Assessment Neurological [PDF 724.14 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Assessment Non-invasive blood pressure [PDF 697.39 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Assessment Oximetry—pulse [PDF 606.17 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Assessment Paediatric [PDF 714.59 KB] Apr-16
Procedure Assessment Pain [PDF 925.41 KB] Jun-19
Procedure Assessment Perfusion status [PDF 689.4 KB] Jan-19
Procedure Assessment Primary and secondary surveys [PDF 655.6 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Assessment Respiratory status [PDF 758.35 KB] Apr-16
Procedure Assessment Sedation assessment tool (SAT) [PDF 726.06 KB] Oct-17
Procedure Assessment Temperature—Braun ThermoScan Pro 6000 [PDF 619.7 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Assessment Temperature—Masimo TIR-1 [PDF 702.33 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Behavioural disturbances Emergency Examination Authority [PDF 1613.8 KB] Nov-21
Procedure Behavioural disturbances Emergency Sedation—Acute behavioural disturbance [PDF 582.33 KB] Aug-22
Procedure Behavioural disturbances Mental illness—The legal framework [PDF 757.69 KB] Feb-15
Procedure Behavioural disturbances Transport of persons under the MHA 2016 [PDF 453.77 KB] Aug-22
Procedure Cardiac 12-Lead ECG acquisition [PDF 1227.4 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Cardiac Cardiac monitoring [PDF 711.66 KB] Jun-19
Procedure Cardiac Mechanical chest compression device—corpuls cpr [PDF 1041.16 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Cardiac Modified Valsalva manoeuvre [PDF 461.91 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Cardiac Pre-hospital cardiac reperfusion [PDF 581.79 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Cardiac Synchronised cardioversion [PDF 688.8 KB] Dec-22
Procedure Cardiac Transcutaneous cardiac pacing [PDF 1450.17 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Blood warmer—MEQU [PDF 854.75 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Central venous access device [PDF 926.1 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Direct infiltration of local anaesthetic [PDF 1030.58 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Drug / fluid administration EPiPen® / EPiPen® Jr adrenaline (epinephrine) auto-injector [PDF 1164 KB] Nov-17
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Inhalation—Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) [PDF 942.38 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Intramuscular injection [PDF 767.42 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Intranasal [PDF 841.94 KB] Feb-15
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Intravenous [PDF 869.99 KB] Jan-20
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Nebulisation [PDF 761.9 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Oral [PDF 603.45 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Priming of a Space Infusomat® SafeSet line [PDF 1056.36 KB] Jan-20
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Priming of an Alaris™ 2-way extension set (with clamps) [PDF 551.04 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Priming of an Alaris™ blood solution—(gravity flow) pump set [PDF 1135.21 KB] Jan-20
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Priming of an Alaris™ (gravity flow) giving set [PDF 996.69 KB] Jan-20
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Regional anaesthesia: digital block - finger [PDF 867.71 KB] May-23
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Subcutaneous [PDF 784.26 KB] Jan-20
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Sublingual [PDF 708.71 KB] Jan-20
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Syringe infusion pump—Perfusor®Space [PDF 1422.66 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Drug / fluid administration Syringe infusion pump—SPRINGFUSOR®30 [PDF 850.62 KB] Apr-16
Procedure Drug / fluid administration QAS employee influenza vaccination [PDF 448.5 KB] Apr-23
Procedure Obstetrics Procedures for obstetric haemorrhage control [PDF 703.58 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Respiratory Bag valve mask—Mayo Healthcare [PDF 684.24 KB] Aug-22
Procedure Respiratory Chest seal [PDF 598.66 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Respiratory Emergency chest decompression—cannula [PDF 792.79 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Respiratory Emergency chest decompression—finger thoracostomy [PDF 1258.06 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Respiratory Emergency chest decompression—Pneumodart® [PDF 1350.18 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Respiratory Emergency chest decompression—tube thoracostomy [PDF 1597.36 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Respiratory Non-invasive ventilation—CPAP [PDF 1010.87 KB] Jan-23
Procedure Respiratory Positive end expiratory pressure [PDF 523.61 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Resuscitation Cardiopulmonary resuscitation [PDF 933.97 KB]Sep-24
Procedure Resuscitation Defibrillation [PDF 1366.55 KB]Sep-24
Procedure Resuscitation Mechanical chest compression device (MCCD) referral [PDF 1048.61 KB] Feb-23
Procedure Respiratory Ventilation—Hamilton-T1 [PDF 686.4 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Respiratory Ventilation—MEDUVENT Standard [PDF 832.95 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Trauma Abdominal Aortic and Junctional Tourniquet (pilot) [PDF 762.31 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Trauma Arterial tourniquet [PDF 1087.22 KB] Sep-21
Procedure Trauma Bandaging—Simple bandaging and slings [PDF 939.27 KB] Apr-16
Procedure Trauma Bandaging—The emergency bandage [PDF 1785.92 KB] Feb-15
Procedure Trauma Cervical collar [PDF 636.25 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Trauma Dislocation reduction—patella [PDF 1122.68 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Trauma Facial packing [PDF 484.74 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Trauma Field extremity amputation [PDF 665.31 KB] Feb-22
Procedure Trauma Fish hook removal [PDF 1382.46 KB] Jan-20
Procedure Trauma Fracture reduction [PDF 797.09 KB] Apr-16
Procedure Trauma Haemostatic—CELOX-A granule applicator (pilot) [PDF 618.14 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Trauma Haemostatic—QuikClot® Combat Gauze [PDF 1162.61 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Trauma Helmet removal [PDF 1486.82 KB] Jun-19
Procedure Trauma Management and care of an amputated body part [PDF 597.1 KB] Jan-20
Procedure Trauma Manual inline stabilisation [PDF 920.19 KB] Jun-19
Procedure Trauma Nasal pack [PDF 596.3 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Trauma Orthopaedic splinting—EasyFIX PLUS vacuum mattress [PDF 728.12 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Trauma Orthopaedic splinting—CT-EMS femoral traction [PDF 1429.83 KB] Jan-19
Procedure Trauma Orthopaedic splinting—Prometheus pelvis [PDF 869.33 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Trauma Orthopaedic splinting—SAM® SPLINT [PDF 861.91 KB] Jan-19
Procedure Trauma Orthopaedic splinting—Slishman femoral traction [PDF 1189.34 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Trauma Orthopaedic splinting—Upper limb casting [PDF 1953.24 KB] Jun-23
Procedure Trauma Orthopaedic splinting—Vacuum [PDF 1107.24 KB] Sep-18
Procedure Trauma Resuscitative clamshell thoracotomy [PDF 1101.56 KB] Aug-23
Procedure Trauma Skin closure—Histoacryl® topical skin adhesive [PDF 948.52 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Trauma Skin closure—Skin stapler [PDF 1135.95 KB] Jun-19
Procedure Trauma Skin closure—Simple interrupted suturing [PDF 1312.42 KB] Jan-20
Procedure Trauma Skin closure—Steri-Strip™ [PDF 831.69 KB] Jul-22
Procedure Trauma Skin closure—Skin tear management [PDF 1032.07 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Trauma Stretcher—CombiCarrier®II [PDF 1562.72 KB] Apr-16
Procedure Trauma Tooth replantation [PDF 768.68 KB] Oct-16
Procedure Other Active self-warming blanket—BARRIER® EasyWarm® [PDF 801.84 KB] Dec-21
Procedure Other Acute stroke referral [PDF 950.47 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Other Ambulance management plan [PDF 509.25 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Other Clinical handover [PDF 511.06 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Other COVID-19 nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal specimen collection [PDF 671.47 KB] Dec-21
Procedure Other Diabetes service referral [PDF 415.08 KB] Jul-21
Procedure Other Donning and doffing of medical gloves [PDF 1884.73 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Other Emergency evacuation from home dialysis [PDF 663.5 KB] Jun-19
Procedure Other Emergency removal of restrictive digit rings or bands [PDF 1390.57 KB] Aug-22
Procedure Other Interacting with non-QAS health professionals [PDF 398.26 KB] Feb-21
Procedure Other Inter-facility transfer [PDF 1251.86 KB] Apr-18
Procedure Other Orogastric tube insertion [PDF 775.58 KB] Apr-16
Procedure Other QAS Clinical Consultation and Advice Line [PDF 801.83 KB] Sep-24
Procedure Other Racing Queensland Head Injury Assessment [PDF 1089.51 KB] Jul-23
Procedure Other Sedation–procedural [PDF 662.78 KB] Apr-16
Procedure Other Suspected large vessel occlusion stroke referral [PDF 1236.67 KB] May-22
Procedure Other Translating and interpreting service [PDF 2382.85 KB] Oct-16
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Adrenaline (epinephrine) [PDF 504 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Amiodarone [PDF 459.69 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Antiemetic/Placebo (BARPHs trial) [PDF 518.3 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Aspirin [PDF 454.93 KB] Apr-23
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Atropine [PDF 1023.18 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Benzatropine [PDF 653.03 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Box jellyfish antivenom [PDF 464.73 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Calcium gluconate [PDF 684.75 KB] Oct-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Cefazolin [PDF 492.08 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Ceftriaxone [PDF 498.96 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Clopidogrel [PDF 450.57 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Dexamethasone [PDF 452.37 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Droperidol [PDF 476.57 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Enoxaparin [PDF 799.41 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Ergometrine [PDF 464.84 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Extended life plasma—Group A (low titre) [PDF 1105.04 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Fentanyl [PDF 1042.49 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Fentanyl and midazolam (combined) [PDF 1018.42 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Furosemide [PDF 452.01 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Glucagon [PDF 1030.19 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Glucose gel [PDF 1176.99 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Glucose 5% [PDF 1009.42 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Glucose 10% [PDF 440.52 KB] Feb-23
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Glyceryl trinitrate [PDF 745.18 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Heparin [PDF 458.79 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Human fibrinogen [PDF 811.97 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocolDrugsHydralazine [PDF 445.55 KB]Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol DrugsHydrocortisone [PDF 741.01 KB] Nov-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Hydroxocobalamin [PDF 1160.2 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Hypertonic saline 7.5% [PDF 450.87 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Ibuprofen [PDF 1023.32 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Influenza vaccine [PDF 447.49 KB] Apr-23
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Insulin—Short-acting neutral (Actrapid®) [PDF 1023.22 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Ipratropium bromide [PDF 1018.89 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Isoprenaline [PDF 1009.76 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Ketamine [PDF 1184.94 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Levetiracetam [PDF 438.75 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Lidocaine 1% [PDF 434.04 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Loperamide [PDF 385.17 KB] Feb-23
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Loratadine [PDF 974.58 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Lorazepam [PDF 738.8 KB] Nov-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Magnesium sulphate [PDF 545.65 KB] Feb-23
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Metaraminol [PDF 467.6 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Methoxyflurane [PDF 580.38 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Metoprolol [PDF 973.61 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Midazolam [PDF 422.98 KB] Sep-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Morphine [PDF 989 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Morphine and midazolam (combined) [PDF 981.22 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Naloxone [PDF 418.76 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Nifedipine [PDF 410.73 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Noradrenaline (norepinephrine) [PDF 980.08 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Olansapine (pilot) [PDF 413.42 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Ondansetron [PDF 986.51 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Oxygen [PDF 1121.17 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Oxytocin [PDF 405.58 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Packed red blood cells [PDF 1058.15 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Paracetamol [PDF 422.12 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Propofol [PDF 983.27 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Rocuronium [PDF 975.17 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Ropivacaine [PDF 468.22 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Salbutamol [PDF 428.15 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Sodium bicarbonate 8.4% [PDF 544.09 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Sodium chloride 0.9% [PDF 1044.84 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Sucrose 24% [PDF 462.71 KB] Aug-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Tenecteplase [PDF 630.59 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Ticagrelor [PDF 467.91 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Tirofiban [PDF 1031.61 KB] Jul-22
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Tranexamic acid [PDF 405.22 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Vasopressin [PDF 407.46 KB] Sep-24
Drug therapy protocol Drugs Water for injection [PDF 986.96 KB] Jul-22
Clinical Practice Manual Additional information Introduction [PDF 8210.38 KB] Sep-24
Clinical Practice Manual Additional information Current clinical research [PDF 555.58 KB] Sep-24
Clinical Practice Manual Additional information Glossary, Abbreviations and Acronyms [PDF 466.15 KB] Sep-24
Clinical Practice Manual Additional information References [PDF 927.46 KB] Sep-24
Clinical Practice Manual Additional information Resources [PDF 2134.22 KB] Sep-24

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If you have any feedback or suggestions please email Clinical.Guidelines@ambulance.qld.gov.au.

While we have attempted to contact all copyright owners, this has not always been possible. We welcome notification from any copyright holder who has been omitted or incorrectly acknowledged.

Last updated: September 2024