Louisiana family opportunity act income limits

Family Opportunity Act Medicaid (FOA) Family Opportunity Act Medicaid provides health coverage to uninsured or underinsured children who have disabilities in families with too much income to qualify for regular Medicaid or LaCHIP.

Family Opportunity Act Medicaid opens coverage up to children with disabilities in families with a higher income range, allowing families to buy in to the Medicaid Program.

Is My Child Eligible?

Parents can apply online by visiting the Louisiana Medicaid Online Application Center. Parents are also welcome to click here to download a paper application, and can mail or fax it back to:

Medicaid Application Office
P. O. Box 91278
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9278

Fax: 1-877-LA FAX US ( 1-877-523-2987 )

Parents whose children already receive health care coverage through Family Opportunity Act Medicaid Plan can renew coverage through the online application, hotline or mail. Renewal is required every year and is not automatic.

Can I Talk to Someone about Family Opportunity Act Medicaid (FOA)?

Parents can also call the Customer Service Unit at 1-888-342-6207 to ask questions or request to have an application mailed on the next business day. Staff are available to assist with LaCHIP applications by phone from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

What Does Family Opportunity Act Medicaid Plan Cover?

All services available through LaCHIP are also available to the Family Opportunity Act Medicaid Plan's beneficiaries. Before a child receives a service, parents should ask the doctor or provider about limits to receiving the service or if the service needs to be “prior authorized,” which means Medicaid has to agree to pay for the service before it can be offered to a patient. Just because a service is not on the list does not mean that Medicaid will not cover it. Call the contact listed for the service group in question if a service is not listed.

Family Opportunity Act Resources