Box Plot Worksheet

Free printable and online worksheets to help Grade 6 students review how to construct a box plot, also known as a box-and-whisker plot, from a given set of data. How to use the median and the quartiles to construct a box plot? How to interpret a box plot?

Box Plot

Constructing a box plot, also known as a box-and-whisker plot, is a method of visualizing the distribution of a dataset through its quartiles. A box plot provides a summary of the data’s central tendency, variability, and potential outliers.
Here are the steps on how to construct a box plot:

  1. Organize the Data:
    Arrange the data points in ascending order.
  2. Calculate the Five-Number Summary:
    Minimum (Min): The smallest data point.
    First Quartile (Q1): The median of the lower half of the data (25th percentile).
    Median (Q2): The median of the data (50th percentile).
    Third Quartile (Q3): The median of the upper half of the data (75th percentile).
    Maximum (Max): The largest data point.
  3. Determine the Interquartile Range (IQR):
  4. Construct the Box Plot:

Box plots provide a clear visual summary of data distribution, central tendency, and variability, making them useful for comparing different datasets.

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Box Plot Worksheet

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